fimmtudagur, 6. nóvember 2008

Spot "hefur auga með öllu"

Smá innlegg í sambandi við staðsettningu þeirra með aðstoð Spot í þessari frábæru ferð. Það hafa verið að koma OK boð á Spot og ég set þau hér inn.

Hér er hægt að slá á merkið og sjá t.d. dag og tíma. Og velja t.d. Satellite til að fá allt landslagið með.

2 ummæli:

Lutz sagði...

Unfortunately, I can't speak your language. We met the group in Tapovan, India, when they start there ascent to Mt. Shivling. I didn't see a picture from the summit of Mt. Shivling; has the group reached the summit and what will they do now in Nepal? Could anyone give a short summary in English? Thanks.
Lutz from Munich, Germany

Nafnlaus sagði...

Hello Lutz!

Part of the group is now back in Iceland, and the other part will be trekking in Nepal until 24. November.

We didn't reach the top of Mt. Shivling, but made it up to the icewall in 6100 meters. The main reason why we didn't go any further was the risk of avalanches, for we got a lot of new snow after we startet our ascent.

Thank you for checking out our site!

Kári Erlingsson